Friday, March 13, 2015

keeping busy!

I am a huge Pinterest fan! infact most of my ideas stem from there. i think things are that much more special when homemade. this world is losing its authenticity and i'm trying to hold on to it as much as i can. i'm a big believer of teaching my daughter the “old way” of life. like making macaroni and cheese instead of mixing some orange powder from a box (which i occasionally do lol ) and thankfully she is showing interest! everything i do whether cooking, cleaning or a craft i try to involve her in any way i can. And that is how i get most done. with her being right there with me doing what i'm doing allows me to try new recipes and make new things :)

I pretty much live in Michaels craft store. I go there as much as i go to Publix which is pretty much everyday. (and i'm not joking)  that's also where most of our money goes . but hey our bellies are always full and my children always entertained. and lets face it when you're a stay at home mom like me you get tired of looking at the same surroundings all the time. that's why crafting is so great. its a big stress reliever it allows you to be hands on with your kids AND  it enhances/customizes your home all at the same time! its a win win!

yesterday we (lily & i) made the alphabet for Ethans' nursery and it came out pretty fantastic ! its amazing what you can do with 6 pieces of scrapbook paper , some scissors and a glue stick .

its a work in progress and soon i will post his entire room when completed :)

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