keep it all together !

life with 2 kids! is no easy task . especially when one is a toddler and the other, well you've guessed it a very needy newborn! still i accept this challenge and pride myself on somehow keeping it all together *for the most part ;) here's my system:
anddddddd there's none. because dare i  say its a day by day thing. and that's how we roll around here. however i try to follow this :

meal planning, meal planning meal planning! I AM NO FAN of fast food, anyone can tell you i’m kind of a fancy pants when it comes to eating. A little background my mom is from the island of Trinidad & Tobago. we grew up eating pretty much the same things all the time. don’t get me wrong as much as they were tasty, they got boring (sorry mom) so i self taught myself to be a little iron chef. and i don’t mean to honk my own horn but i must admit i'm pretty darn good !  i grew up a big fan of the food network (the old food network ) where they actually showed cooking shows instead of cooking competitions all day. and truthfully that's where i learned (minus a few classes at le cordon bleu). id say my cooking is a mix of ina garten meets a somewhat healthier version of paula dean. who am i kidding i’m in love with butter and i adore heavy cream! but don't let this stray you away all of my recipes can be adapted to fit your comforts ! I buy in bulk and store almost everything in my deep freezer. and to keep things interesting from the routine day to day i try to cook at least 3 new recipes a week.

keeping a clean house! is one of my TOP priorities. laundry now rules my life. but recently i discovered a breakthrough! are you ready??? this may seem extreme but i  got rid of all of my laundry baskets and i do 1 load a day. that way i never (well almost never) have a laundry mountain pile up! instead of filling each room with a cute (i’ll admit) laundry basket when we take our clothes off i put them right in the washer and once its full i set it and go!
I used to never use the dishwasher. i actually used to find washing dishes to be therapeutic but now with mr.chuncka i decided to give it a try and boy has it changed my life and improve the status of my manicure. As i stated before . i don't necessarily have a system but there are things that i must do before i go to bed. and those are as follows:

no dishes in the sink, laundry done, clean bathrooms and sweep, mop or vacuum the floors. also referred to as my 10 minute tidy ! and yes i can get all of this done as long as hubby is here to distract the kiddos.

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