Tuesday, March 31, 2015

avocado toast with sunny side egg!

if your mornings are any thing like mines (weekdays especially) you have absolutely no time to make a gourmet breakfast. between the kids and getting hubby out the door i usually end up in a drive through. but if you have 1 egg,  a half of avocado and 5 minutes you can turn your morning around in a snap! by the time it takes you to toast a piece of bread you can have a satisfying breakfast in your hands ready to go!

1 slice of toast
1/2 avocado
1 egg
2 Tbsp butter
salt/pepper to taste
red pepper flakes (optional)

all i did was mash up a half of avocado and add red pepper flakes (hubbs likes things hot)  toasted a piece of bread and made an egg . assemble as shown on my pic and wallah ! i also added some sriracha for added flavor !! enjoy!!

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