Wednesday, May 20, 2015

the best thing i ever ate : parmesan baked eggs!

have any of you ever see that show that comes on the food network ? "the best thing i ever ate?" i love that show! well the first time i saw it i was wondering how they were going to keep it going? i mean how could a celebrity chef just pick "one thing??" so eventually it became the best thing i ever ate: sweet, savory yada yada yada. WELL this my friends is the best thing i ever ate Eggs! i have a love hate relationship with eggs. since i am a SAHM i make breakfast every single morning. which is great to some but sucks for me (the cook) because i feel like there is only so many things you can do at breakfast time before it becomes routine and dare i say "boring". its always bacon,eggs and something. i started to hate eggs so much so i stooped eating them all together. because i bake/cook so much i probably go through 3 dozen eggs a week! (just for my family) that's a lot of damn eggs! i know your probably asking whats the point of all that back story? well one random morning a few years back i was scrolling through pintrest and  found a recipe for these parmesean baked eggs. it sounded good and easy enough so i made it. and then it happened, i took a bite. one bite was all it took. for me to be in complete shock. and disbelief. i couldn't talk, i had to remind myself to breathe and i just sat there. seriously i sat still for about 3 minutes. and i think time actually stood still. i couldn't even muster up the strength for one word. not one! i was so lost in food paradise i thought i had died. after i collected my thoughts i had to take another bite to make sure of what had just happened to me was real. and im telling you the second bite was even better than the first. i sat there for a total of 6 minutes eating without stopping. and as i went back for another bite i came to the horrible realization that there was no more. it was done. i had just finished eating the best thing i ever ate. immediately i called corey (at work) and tired to explain to him over the phone what had just happened. and of course in regualr corey fashion he just didn't get it (to him food is just food) so i made it for dinner (he loved it) and for breakfast everyday for the whole week! im not going to lie, eventually i did too get tired of it but now i make it about once a month as a special treat. serve it with a toasted croissant or toasted buttered french bread, a few pieces of bacon. and im telling you. its magic! 

  • ½ tablespoon butter
  • ½ teaspoon oil
  • 1 shallot, minced
  • 1 tablespoon fresh rosemary, minced
  • ½ tablespoon fresh thyme, minced
  • ½ teaspoon sea salt
  • 6 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon heavy cream
  • freshly grated Parmesan cheese
  1. In a small saucepan, heat butter and oil. Add shallot and saute until soft and fragrant, 3-5 minutes. Add herbs and salt; remove from heat and stir to combine. The mixture should be somewhat coarse and just a little buttery.
  2. Preheat the oven to 375. Place a small pat of butter (about 1 teaspoon) in the bottom of each of 3 ramekins. Place in oven until butter is melted.
  3. Remove ramekins from oven, add 1 teaspoon of cream to each, and crack 2 eggs into each ramekin without breaking the yolk. Sprinkle the herb mixture over the top of each ramekin and return to the oven. Bake for about 7 minutes.
  4. Turn up the heat to the broil setting and let the eggs broil for another 1-2 minutes. Remove from oven when egg whites are just set and yolks are still soft. Let stand for 3-5 minutes before serving. Season with salt and pepper.
I found the timing of this to be really important - down to the minute. The eggs might look like they aren't done if they are runny on top, but that can just be the cream rising to the top of the ramekin. If you cook these too long, the yolks get hard and they aren't as good. Also, if you want the cheese to be melted on top, add the cheese before putting the ramekins in the oven. I didn't do this because it made it trickier to see if the eggs were done or not.   

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