Monday, May 25, 2015

bacon and cheese croissants

last night i didn't sleep at ALL. for the past few days my neck & back have been KILLING ME! complements to my 72 metal screws in my back. (long story for another day). but you know what? i can't complain. because without these 4 metal rods, my 72 screws and shaved hip i  probably wouldn't be here today blogging with you. so with that being said GOD IS GOOD and i'm so grateful that i KNOW him! today is memorial day! its the day that we give thanks & pay our respect to all of the men and woman who gave their lives so that we can continue to live free. so because i am here today alive and well. i decided to put my complaining aside try something new for breakfast.bacon and cheese croissants! so simple and so good!

its made with just 5 ingredients :
1 sheet of puff pastry (cut into 6 rectangles)
1 egg
6 slices of bacon (cooked and cut into pieces)
1/2 block of good quality pepper jack cheese
1/4 cup of apricot or orange preserves

pre heat your oven to 350. line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside. on the stove, cut up bacon into bite size pieces and cook until crisp (drain on a paper towel) . then cut 6 very thick slices of pepper jack cheese. 

to assemble:
cut puff pastry sheet into 6 rectangles. place cheese and bacon onto the egde of the dough and roll it over until you get a little croissant. repeat for the following 5. and then brush the tops with the egg.

bake until golden brown 20-25 minutes. 

when its done put 1/4 cup of preserves in the microwave for 25 sec until melted. brush on top of croissants. serve immediately with a side of eggs! 

the sweet of the preserves, spicy from the cheese, and salt from the bacon is an out of this world combination! i promise you will love it :) 

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe I'm just stumbling upon this recipe! I'm going to run to the store right now to get the ingredients. Yum!
