Thursday, May 14, 2015

havarti pizza with spinach, aruglua & prosciutto

if there is one thing i love, its good cheeses! there are just some things in life i DO NOT and WILL NOT skimp on lol .i try to tell my husband who is always trying to figure out our grocery bill. "if you want good food , you gotta put in good ingredients!" i'm not out of control and i  love a bargain but at the same time if no one is looking i'm willing to pay full price. SO lets talk havarti cheese. its to die for! it is so rich. its buttery, creamy & dare i say? dreamy! i could eat it all by its self. which i do from time to time. especially on a thursday night when i'm watching scandal. i always have a bottle of my favorite wine in hand (ruffino- moscato d'asti) some grapes and havarti cheese! well today i had no grapes but i did have some dough left over from the other day so i decided to make this havarti pizza with spinach, arugula & prosciutto for lunch and it was dynamite !!

pizza dough (homemade) or store bought
1 jar of pizza sauce (or homemade)
2 cups of havarti cheese
1 small pkg of prosciutto
1 hand full of arugula/spinach mix
sprinkling of sugar (into sauce)
red pepper flakes (to taste)
black pepper (fresh, to taste)
fresh parsley for garnish

pre- heat your oven to 400. on a flat surface spread pizza sauce onto prepared pizza dough (or your home made one) and sprinkle on sugar (just a tad) to cut the tartness. then sprinkle on arugula and spinach followed by prosciutto and cheese. bake until cheese is melted and dough is cooked through. once done sprinkle with red pepper flakes, black pepper and parsley! easy peasy!

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