Monday, August 17, 2015

i scream for ice cream!

LISTEN UP! this is probably the most important post I've ever written. today i stumbled upon a miracle ! a two ingredient ice cream that can be whipped up in minutes ! this is , i repeat: this IS the BEST ice cream i have ever had! like EVER! and you don't even need a ice cream maker. the best part is  you can literally make or create any type of ice cream with the same two ingredients.

Cinnamon Bun Ice Cream:

the two magic ingredients:

2 cups of heavy whipping cream
1 can of sweetened condensed milk

what makes the flavor cinnamon bun is the add-ins (this is the point where you can make it any flavor you want)

add ins:

1/2 t vanilla bean paste
1/2 t cinnamon
3 T melted butter

her'es how you make it:

whip 2 cups of heavy cream until stiff peaks form. in a separate bowl add sweetened condensed milk, melted butter,vanilla  and cinnamon, mix to combine and fold into cream. put it in a plastic container and put it in the freezer for 6 hours and enjoy!

some other flavors ,
you do the same as above except change the add in ingredients.
for instance :
strawberry cheese cake:

 to the condensed milk add a few drops of pink food coloring, and a few slices of chopped up cheese cake and fresh strawberries. fold into the whipped cream and done! (freeze for 6 hours)

double chocolate pecan ice cream:

1/2 cup cocoa powder, 1/2 cup pecans , 1/2 cup chocolate chips. fold into the whipped cream and done! (freeze for 6 hours)

the flavors are endless and totally up to you! Now go make some ice cream!!

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