Thursday, September 3, 2015

creamy tomato & curry butter lobster pasta!

phew that title was long. but boy oh boy does it describe everything in this dish! if you've never made lobster before this is a fool proof recipe and one of the tastiest too! the pasta is super simple to put together , and whats best is the pasta cooks in the sauce! if you can look past all of the ingredients in this recipe you will see it is quite simple to make and its totally loved by all who try it! start to finish this amazing lobster dinner was done in  under an hour. 

here's what you need :
  • 1/3 cup olive oil
  • 5 cloves garlic, minced or grated
  • 2 teaspoons crushed red pepper flakes
  • 1 teaspoon dried basil & oregano (plus more basil)
  • salt and pepper, taste
  • garlic powder
  • 2 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 (28 ounce) crushed tomatoes
  • 1/2 cup white wine
  • 2 1/2 cups water
  • 4 ounces cream cheese, cubed
  • 1/2 cup cream
  • 1 pound long cut pasta
  • 4 lobster tails
  • 8 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 1 teaspoon spicy yellow curry powder + more 
  • salt, to taste
  • 2 tablespoons fresh basil, chopped + more for serving

heat your pan with olive oil and saute garlic and red pepper flakes. be-careful it doesn't burn (just until fragrant) then add tomatoes, salt, pepper, basil, curry, oregano & sugar. let it mix for a minute and then add wine & water. next add pasta and let it simmer on low until the noodles are tender and cooked through. once pasta is done add cream and cream cheese. taste to adjust seasonings if necessary.

then season the lobster tails with salt, pepper, garlic powder, basil and curry powder. and set aside. heat a cat iron skillet to high heat with 8 tablespoons of butter. place the lobster tails belly side down and cook for 4 minutes. turn them over for another minute or two until shell turns fully pink. 

to plate serve pasta in a bowl with lobster on top. drizzle the top with any remaining curry butter from cooking the lobster (optional) 

also if you want those fancy grill marks you can totally throw them on the grill after cooking (just brush with olive oil) but totally not needed ! and that's it folks ENJOY!

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