Tuesday, September 8, 2015

creamy tartiflette !

4 large potatoes 
1 block of havarti cheese 

Heavy cream 
Black pepper 
5 slices bacon 
1 large onion 
2 slices of potato bread (for fresh crumbs )

I peeled and diced 4 large potatoes and boiled them in salted water until tender . 
Drain from water and set aside .
Next I cut up some bacon about 6 slices and one large onion .
In a fry pan . Cook onion and bacon until golden brown season with black pepper .
Once onion & bacon are done add potatoes to the pan and cook for about 3-4 minutes .

To make bread crumbs , just put two slices of potato bread in your food processor .
To assemble :
In a casserole dish or individual ramekins spoon in some potatoes and top with a layer of havarti cheese then another layer of potatoes topped with another layer of cheese .
Pour in some heavy cream and Top with fresh potato bread crumbs and melted butter . Bake at 400 until cheese is melted, bubbly and golden brown !
Garnish with fresh thyme and fresh cracked pepper .

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