Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Pecan Cinnamon Buns !

I used to hate yeast. In-fact, as much as I love to bake , I would avoid recipes that called for it because it  never seemed to come out right. But this past year I pretty much mastered it! there is not one recipe that calls for yeast that I'm afraid of. Once your milk, or water is the correct temp, you can almost never go wrong. I have read so many recipes for the perfect cinnamon roll but nothing compares to this one .To me what sets these apart is the almond & vanilla extract that is mixed into the cinnamon sugar. It really gives it a unique taste and brings out the flavors of the pecans .


2 ¼ tsp of yeast
1cup of warm milk

½ cup sugar
1 stick of soft butter
1 tsp salt
2 eggs
4 cups all purpose flour


¼ soft butter
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
½ teaspoon almond extract
1 cup brown sugar
3T cinnamon
½ cup chopped pecans


6 T butter
½ tsp vanilla
⅛ tsp salt
1 ½ cup powdered sugar
¼ cup soft cream cheese

First: mix the yeast in the warm milk. until ready. then cream the butter, sugar , salt and eggs in your mixer. add in flour and yeast all at once. mix until ball forms and its not sticking to the sides of the bowl. once ball is formed spray a bowl with non stick cooking spray (i use the baking one with flour in it ) and rest a towel over it . let rise for 45 min.

Second:  roll out dough. mix the sugar with the almond and vanilla extract and add cinnamon & pecans . spread evenly over buttered dough and roll up. you should get about 12 buns. place buns in a buttered baking dish in rows of 4. cover with a cloth and let it rise again until doubled in size about 45 more minutes.

Last: pre-heat oven to 325 and bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown. Top with icing.

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