Wednesday, April 29, 2015

cinnamon brioche french toast w/ egg & bacon!

whoo ! its been a while ! but iv'e been one busy mamma! my sister had a baby and i now have a crawling baby! lets just say i've been adjusting. now that things are back on track i thought why not treat you guys with something special and oh so decadent! this french toast is capital A - mazing !! i think french toast is one of those things like meatloaf. somewhere along the line they got a bad rep. but im here to set the record straight. starting with this brioche cinnamon french toast.   let me just say this: never, i repeat never make french toast with just plain ole sandwich bread its just... no , i can't even get my mind to go there lol if you are making french toast start with a great french bread. it just holds up better and it makes for a brilliant french toast. toady i came across a brioche and not just and brioche a cinnamon brioche and omg its heavenly!  i believe its even sweeter than that cinnamon raisin bread. eating it alone is a treat. but making it into french toast well its almost sinful. but because it is so sweet i top it with an egg and crumbled bacon bits and im telling you its pure bliss! and if your not feeling the egg sometimes i just drop some fresh raspberries & powdered sugar on top and its just as good! hints why we are eating french toast for breakfast tonight. here's how i did it:

1 loaf of cinnamon brioche bread (sliced thick)
clarified butter (it doesn't brown as easy)
3 eggs (beaten)
teaspoon of vanilla
about 1/4 cup of half & half
1 tablespoon of sugar (heaping)
a sprinkle of cinnamon
4 slices of bacon (cooked and crumbled)
2 eggs (or how ever many you need to top)

1 cup of maple syrup + 2 Tablespoons of butter ( melted together)

heat your griddle to 375. 
meanwhile mix together : eggs, vanilla, half & half, sugar and cinnamon. dip your bread on each side (to lightly coat) butter your skillet and cook toast 2-3 min per side

once done top with egg and bacon . and drizzle on that syrup! 

(note i didn't salt my eggs, because the bacon was salty enough)


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